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Houston, TX—December 6, 2022 – The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston, the only official charity of the Houston Fire Department, has launched a new website to focus attention on their mission of providing life-saving equipment for the Houston Fire Department.  The website was designed as a pro bono account by American Fortune Cookie, an internet marketing firm.  

To date, the Foundation has purchased over $2.6 million in equipment for the Fire Department.  “The website has much information about the type of equipment that has been purchased and what is currently needed, while providing a way for the general public to be a part of the effort,” Lee Vela, foundation chairman, said.

“Being able to work with an outstanding firm like American Fortune Cookie to design the site, is a turning point for our all-volunteer organization,” Vela said.    “A total of 96 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to purchase equipment.”

“It is such an honor to work with this organization that helps our fire fighters be healthy and strong,” Basya Benshushan, owner of American Fortune Cookie, said.  “Our company gives back to the community in which we operate and what better way to do that to help this organization raise the necessary funds to purchase equipment.”  

The new website will be promoted through donated billboards by Clear Channel Outdoor.  Ten billboards will travel around the city for the next year featuring real Houston Fire Fighters within the designs.  Additionally, iHeart Media and Cox Radio will air 30 second radio spots as public service announcements.  

“The Houston Fire Department is truly blessed to have the Foundation helping us with the purchase of equipment that is simply not covered by the city of Houston budget,” Houston Fire Chief Sam Pena, said.  “The purchase of this equipment has been essential to the wellbeing of the nearly 4,000 men and women of the Houston Fire Department.  The Foundation coordinates with us to provide the equipment that we need and that is why they are the only official charity of our department.”  

The Fire Fighters Foundation of Houston is a 501C3 non-profit organization with a mission of providing equipment to the Houston Fire Department.  The new website address is:  www.fffhouston.org

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